[ad_1] Covid-19: कोरोनावायरस (Coronavirus) का नया वेरिएंट ओमिक्रोन (Omicron Variant) तेजी से फैल रहा है. राहत की बात यह है कि इसके लक्षण और गंभीरता कम है. बहुत सारे लोग ऐसे हैं जो ओमिक्रोन (Omicron Variant) के लक्षणों को सर्दी-जुकाम या फ्लू की तरह मान रहे हैं. वहीं भारत में ऐसे लोगों की संख्या काफी […]
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Amazon Sale के आखिरी दो दिन में खरीदें सबसे सस्ती Grocery, हो रही है ऑफर्स की बरसात
[ad_1] Amazon Offer On Grocery: एमेजॉन की ग्रोसरी सेल में बस दो दिन और बचे हैं. 7 फरवरी तक चलने वाली इस सेल में दाल,आटा स्नैक्स और बाकी खाने-पीने के सामानों पर मिल रहा है बंपर डिस्काउंट .साथ ही फ्री होम डिलीवरी है और कई सामान डील में 1 रुपये में भी मिल रहे हैं. […]
U.N. Report Warns That A Deluge Of Medical Waste Is “Swamping The Globe”
[ad_1] A new report from the World Health Organization has highlighted the overabundance of medical waste around the world caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The thousands of tons of extra garbage — discarded syringes, old test kits and used vaccine vials — has strained waste management systems and is threatening both human health and the […]
Your Body Odour May Smell Worse To You Than Your Ancient Ancestors
[ad_1] When you take a whiff of something, odor molecules sail inside your nose where they bind to proteins — called olfactory receptors — on cells that line your nasal cavity. These receptors trigger signals that your brain interprets as one or many smells. A team of scientists has identified the olfactory receptors for two […]
Valentine’s Day पर डेट पर जाने के लिए बेस्ट ड्रेस, कीमत 500 रुपये से भी कम
[ad_1] Amazon Offer On Valentine’s Day Dress: अमेजन पर Valentine’s Day के लिए हर तरह की पार्टी ड्रेस का कलेक्शन मिल जाएगा. यहां आपको ऑफ शोल्डर, मिनी, मिड लेंथ और मैक्सी ड्रेस की वैराइटी मिल रही है और कीमत भी बेहद कम है. इन ड्रेस को एंकल या लॉन्ग बूट्स के साथ पहन सकते हैं. […]
Shasti in February 2022: Date, Time, Rituals, Significance and What Can We Eat on Sashti Viratham?
[ad_1] Shasti in February 2022: Shukla Paksha Shashti is one of the prominent days of Magha month as per the Hindu calendar. For February, Shasti is falling on the 6th of this month. Starting at 3.47 am on February 6, it will end at 4.38 am on February 7. Magha Shukla Paksha Shasti is believed […]
Study Links Vitamin D Deficiency To Deaths Among Hospitalized Covid-19 Patients
[ad_1] A new study has found that low levels of vitamin D are associated with severe cases of Covid-19 as well as mortality. The research has been published in the ‘PLOS ONE Journal’. In a study, researchers from the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine of Bar-Ilan University in Safed, Israel and the Galilee Medical Center in […]
What The Fork: For Kunal Vijayakar, Bhel Puri and Not Vada Pav is Quintessential Mumbai Food
[ad_1] Food eggheads, vloggers, bloggers, journalists and reviewers often talk about the Vada Pav being the archetypal, quintessential Mumbai food. I beg to differ. Unlike most of these pundits with posits, I along with most of my ancestors was born in this city and we have a slight difference of opinion. I would like to […]
Here’s How You Can Convert Regular Cakes To Cupcakes
[ad_1] Cupcakes are the epitome of convenience. To enjoy one, no forks, knives, spoons or any kind of fuss are required and you can simply drown into their excellence. However, if you are feeling productive, there are ways you can make a cupcake of your own from leftover cake and cake batter. So, it is […]
Happy Birthday Nora Fatehi: Times The Star Stole Hearts With Her Stylish Outfits
[ad_1] Nora Fatehi has wowed the film industry and her fans with her dancing skills. Known for her exquisite belly dancing skills, the Canadian model turned actor has garnered accolades from across the globe. Regularly styled for red carpet events and shows by celebrity stylists Maneka Harisinghani and Meagan Concessio, Nora’s wardrobe features outfits, footwear […]